Counseling at EYMC… It is Unique and Creative Here
Here at Enter Your Mind Center, we take a different approach to people and the issues they face, a positive approach. We know that people do the best they can with what they have, they make the best decisions they can with the information currently available to them, and they use the best tools and method they have learned to respond to present circumstances. Correspondingly, we do not subscribe to the popular theory of dysfunctional behavior. Rather, we know that all behavior is functional for a given person, under a specific set of circumstances, at a particular time in his or her life because people are wonderfully adaptive and resilient to the challenges life presents. However, sometimes psychological distress and emotional turmoil can be difficult to unravel with one’s current tools and knowledge. Fortunately, we also know that people with the best mental health also possess the greatest number of tools and techniques for handling challenging situations. They alter and adapt existing behaviors and beliefs on an as-needed basis and they seek opportunities to learn new skills whenever possible. Seeking a counselor for talk therapy, and or other alternative modalities is an indicator of mental strength and flexibility; two qualities that help people live longer and healthier lives.We respect the wealth of experience and wisdom you bring to your counseling and we appreciate your invitation to be part of the process that enhances your quality of life.